The Keswick Rambling Club
Constitution authorised by the club membership
at the Annual General Meeting 24th November 2023
1. The Club shall be called ‘The Keswick Rambling Club’.
2. The Club’s purpose is to provide a programme of regular walks for members in the Lake District and surrounding countryside.
3. Membership is open to any person who pays the membership fee which is due on joining and annually on 1st April.
4. The Officers of the Club shall consist of the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Website Manager, who shall be elected annually at the AGM.
5. The Committee shall consist of the officers and five ordinary members. Ordinary members will normally serve for three consecutive years before standing down for at least one year but will remain eligible to become an officer at any stage. The Committee will be responsible for controlling the affairs of the Club. It will meet at least three times a year, with a quorum of four.
6. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in November each year. Members will be notified of the date well in advance via the Walks Programme. A quorum of ten will be required.
The business of the AGM shall be:-
- to confirm the minutes of the previous meeting.
- to receive the examined accounts for the year from the Treasurer.
- to receive reports from the Chairman, Secretary, and Website Manager (if required).
- to elect an Internal Examiner.
- to elect the officers of the Club and any committee members as required. Nominations require a proposer and a seconder (both of whom are Club Members) and are to be received by the Secretary in writing/email at least 14 days before the AGM. However, if no such nominations are received, the Chairman could request nominations at the AGM; these would then be proposed, seconded and voted upon in the usual manner.
- to review and agree subscription rates.
- to transact any business arising from committee meetings or received in writing by the Secretary from members at least fourteen days before the meeting.
7. The Club shall be affiliated to The Ramblers Association.
8. The Club shall be insured for Public Liability.
9. Proposed alterations to the constitution require the support of at least two members and must be submitted to the Secretary in writing at least fourteen days before the AGM so that members can be notified at least seven days before the meeting. The support of at least two-thirds of the members at the meeting will be required for the change to be accepted.
10. If any resolution is passed at the AGM requiring the Club to be dissolved, there will be a special meeting called within one month to consider the issue. If the decision to dissolve is confirmed by at least two-thirds of those at the special meeting the financial affairs of the Club shall be completed and any surplus transferred to Keswick Mountain Rescue.
11. Any matters requiring the vote of members at the AGM or a special meeting will be by show of hands. Where there is more than one candidate for a Committee position alternative methods may be used e.g. ballot papers.
12. The Committee reserves the right to expel any member whose conduct is inappropriate. The only grounds for appeal will be the submission of new information.
13. Any change in the Constitution (or any other policy issue requiring the consent of the members) necessary in between Annual General Meetings shall be considered at a Special General Meeting, members being notified of the proposed change at least fourteen days before the meeting.