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- Having already spotted many red deer, we are heading towards Heckbeck Head
- Said deer, unperturbed by our presence
- More red deer
- Angle Tarn revealing its charms
- We are cutting across Heck Cove to our next deer observation spot
- No deer past Satura Crag, so we decide to climb Brock Crags instead
- We are observing the best red deer herd of the day
- Posing on the summit of Brock Crags – happy with our bloodless ‘deer hunt’
- Having descended from Brock Crags on the unfrequented western side of Angle Tarn, we are bidding it farewell
- Brothers Water and the magnificent fells surrounding it
- On Beda Fell listening to the stags singing their love songs
- Deer on Heck Crag
- Skirting Angletarn Pikes