2024 July to December

Programme archive

Wed 10 JulCThree lakes passes POSTPONEDTrish WinterbottomTBATBA
MHarter Fell (Eskdale) CANCELLEDAnna NolanOth08:30
EWalla Crag the easier wayEleanor PaxonBusTBA
Sun 14 JulCHigh Street from HartsopJane DarbyLC08:30
MBranstree and Selside PikeAnna NolanOth08:30
EDownhill from HonisterIan LoosemoreBus09:20
Wed 24 JulCWhinfell Beacon and "the other Borrowdale"Tony RoyleLC08:30
MLonscale Fell (GPX)Pam GauntLC08:30
EThe Cockpit from Pooley BridgeAnn RoyleLC09:15
Sun 28 JulCDale head and HindscarthMaggie CooperLC08:30
MBleaberry Fell via Goat Crag TerraceAnna NolanBus09:30
EAround ThrelkeldPete MarrittBus10:20
Wed 7 AugCThree lakes passesTrish WinterbottomTBATBA
MHigh Seat to the BennBarry BrookTBA09:30
EStainton/Dacre/River EamontTricia RadcliffeLC09:15
Sun 11 AugCUpper Easedale from GrasmereJane DarbyLC08:15
MDollywaggon Pike (GPX)Anne DaviesBus09:30
ESome of Crummock WaterEleanor PaxonOth09:30
Wed 21 AugCCrinkle Crags POSTPONEDChristine BlakeLC08:15
MLinear walk to Keswick via DoddChristine GreenBusTBA
ELonglands Fell CANCELLEDSue AllisonOth09:00
Sun 25 AugCHigh Cup Nick via the Gill POSTPONEDTony RoyleLC08:30
MWhite Combe POSTPONEDLen WainwrightTBATBA
EThe Watches and Mirehouse from Dodd Wood CANCELLEDAnn RoyleBus10:15
Wed 4 SeptCConiston FellsPat RoyallLC08:15
MTorver and Coniston Lakeshore loopSara ThomasOth08:30
ENewlands ValleyMiriam MarrittLC09:30
Sun 8 SeptC
MHarter Fell and Hard KnottAnna NolanOth08:15
EKnipe ScarSara ThomasLC09:00
Wed 18 SeptCSteeple, Haycock and Caw from EnnerdaleCelia WatsonTBATBA
MWhinlatter Top, Lord's Seat and Broom FellAnna NolanOth09:00
ESkelwith Bridge to Grasmere via Dow BankIan LoosemoreBus09:30
Sun 22 SeptCHigh Cup Nick via the Gill Tony RoyleLC08:30
MSkelwith Bridge to ConistonBarry BrookBus09:30
Wed 2 OctCArd Crag, Robinson, HindscarthAnne BurbidgeLCTBA
MBedafell Knott and Heckbeck HeadAnna NolanOth09:00
EEast Side of BorrowdaleIan LoosemoreBus09:40
Sun 6 OctCDodds from High Row POSTPONEDChristine BlakeLC08:30
MWhite CombeLen WainwrightTBATBA
Wed 16 OctCGrisedale Pike CANCELLEDPat RoyalBusTBA
MRaven Crag and its environs POSTPONEDJohn BridgesOthTBA
EArmathwaite Hall to Cockermouth POSTPONEDPete MarrittBus10:07
Sun 20 OctCSkiddaw via Ullock Pike POSTPONEDAnne BurbidgeBusTBA
EGowbarrow the easier way CANCELLEDIan LoosemoreBus09:35
Wed 30 OctCCatbells/Maiden Moor/High Spy/Castle CragJoanna RobinsTBATBA
MHolme Fell and Black CragTony RoyleLC08:30
EArmathwaite Hall to CockermouthPete MarrittBus10:07
Sun 3 NovCThe Howgills POSTPONEDTrish WinterbottomLC08:15
MDarling Fell TerraceLynn SavageLC09:15
ELower NewlandsIan LoosemoreBus09:20
Wed 13 NovCYoke/Ill Bell/Froswick/Troutbeck TongueTrish WinterbottomLC08:30
MLatrigg from the high Brundholme pathBarry BrookOth09:30
EStainton-Dacre-River EamontTricia RadcliffeLC09:00
Sun 17 NovCHigh Tove and High Seat from Rosthwaite (GPX)Maggie CooperBusTBA
MLatrigg/Cumbria Way/Blencathra CentreAlison BallSGL09:30
ERound the lower slopes of LatriggBarry BrookOth09:30
Fri 22 NovANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - Friends Meeting House, Elliot Park, Keswick, CA12 5NZ.14:00
Wed 27 NovCSkiddaw via Ullock PikeAnne BurbidgeBusTBA
MCarrock Fell, Miton Hill, High PikeGillian BrowneOth09:30
EAmbleside to Grasmere via the Coffin RouteIan LoosemoreBus09:30
Sun 1 DecCBowscale Fell-Bannerdale-Souther Fell POSTPONEDChristine BlakeLC09:00
MA wander round LatriggBarry BrookOth09:30
Sun 8 DecCBowscale Fell-Bannerdale-Souther Fell CANCELLEDChristine BlakeLC09:00
Wed 11 DecCHRISTMAS LUNCH at the Skiddaw Hotel and walks
MLord's Seat from the Wythop ValleyLen WainwrightTBATBA
ECastlerigg Stone CircleIan LoosemoreMH10:00
Sun 15 DecCGlaramara, Allen Crags and Seathwaite Fell CANCELLEDJane DarbyBusTBA
ERosthwaite to Seathwaite and the Borrowdale YewsIan LoosemoreBus09:50
Wed 25 DecChristmas Day
Sun 29 DecCA Coledale Round CANCELLEDAnne BurbidgeLC09:15
MPenruddock/Dacre/Wreay/Thackthwaite circuitTony RoyleBus09:20

(GPX) = Click to download .gpx file of route